Model: Kathryn LaGioia |
I am finally coming down from cloud 9. Which occupied myself, as well as some truly remarkable people in my business. One of which was the ever so talented photographer Joe Edelman. I have spoken or even gushed about how much I admire his work. Through several conversations, he made one of many things very clear. It's all about the spread. An idea based on less is more, which I have to say... I really didn't give much thought, until Joe pointed it out. I have always been so excited to show the world or whoever was paying attention, what I thought was the coolest images I had taken for that day or week. Throwing them out on Facebook, my website, Model Mayhem and other Internet sources. I wanted to show people what I could do as a photographer. What I did not realize is that, when looking through my or anyones images for that matter, people are more attracted to one solid wow image rather then five of the same idea or concept. It's like eating a slice of the worlds greatest pie. Once you finish it off, you want more, but upon the second helping the WOW of that first bite is just not matched.
So, once I returned home. I tediously went through my website and portfolio images, determined to weed out any unnecessary images. With the exception of my wedding work, I did just that. I have to say, it was great. I chose what I thought were my best images and will continue to do so for each future shoot. Afterwards, I began to search through model profiles and found that most of their portfolios were the same. Five or more images from the same shoot and was surprised to find that after the third image, I became bored. Not due to a lack of quality, but out of repetition. So, if I can pass along some wisdom of an amazing photographer, I would say... this stands true for all those in the business... stylists, make up artists, models and photographers. Take a critical eye to your online portfolios. Weed out your images and keep only what you feel is your strongest work. Our portfolios, in my opinion, are one of our strongest make or break points with future clients.