April 08, 2011
Be Ready, Game is on!
So you want to be a model but don't know where to start. For starters, I would suggest arming yourself with an image. Get ready to sell yourself. Comp Cards and a portfolio are a great way to show off you and your modeling talent. If you are not signed with an agency and want to attack the modeling world on your own, remember determination is key. Think about your location and what your modeling talents can do for local businesses. Are there businesses in your area that have commercials on TV? Make an appointment with them and offer to be a spokes person or a stand in for their ad. Are local bars or restraunts hosting events that need promotional models? There is no harm in contacting local business and dropping off your comp card and making that personal connection. Search for casting calls. There are many websites geared tward actors/model castings. Keep your eye on cragislist.com, modelmayhem.com and a new one I just came across is exploretalent.com. Remember, the modeling industry is very competitive and for every casting you interview for, there are 100 more models right behind you gunning for that same position. Getting signed with an agency should be your overall goal, until that happens, get out there... and attack the possibilities!