April 29, 2011
All Fun and Games!
Do you have small kids that you would like to see model for the coolest companies in the states? Well, here is one little tip I can give you. Fisher Price HQ and adv. portrait studio is located in Orchard Park, NY. Right in our back yard. I sent my daughters portrait, age, measurements and details such as hair color, eye color etc to FP and we received many call backs. She was able to model for several new toy promotions. They do hair, styling and wardrobe right there. Though your child may not be the one chosen to feature the toy box or promo signs, it's a fun experience. And they pay their models with gift certificates to their on site toy store. The downside to this gig is that they do not call or notify you if your child makes the cover, you have to keep your eye out for the toy they were photographed with to see for yourself. Another downside is your time has to be flexable to receive a call. At most we would receive 1 or 2 day notice of the shoot. It's a great fun start for your child, nothing is forced and the images are primarily candid. Good luck and keep modeling!
April 28, 2011
Play with the wind!
Think its too windy to shoot or model? too much rain? Nah. Work with your surroundings and whatever nature brings you. If you are a model or aspiring to be one, use these days to practice outside. When modeling, you never know what situation you will be thrown into, so knowing that you can pose on a windy, cold or rainy day will only help you in the long run. Photographers the same. Though portrait sessions may allow you to pick and choose the perfect day, weddings and commercial shoots do not and you have to be prepaired for the best and sometimes the worst. I learned this lesson very quickly. Most of the weddings I shoot are out of my area. So it may be beautiful and sunny here in Hornell, then appear as though the rath of God is coming down upon the location of the wedding. Always pack your gear for any possibility. Remember. The perfect shot doesn't always come with a sunny day and a smile, so get out and utilize what mother nature is throwing our way.
April 21, 2011
Scavenger Hunt Clue #1
Models on the run, models on the run.
To begin the scavenger hunt you have to find location #1.
It's with in a yummy place I call my second home,
when you can order anything from pizza to calzone's.
Across from the movie theater is where you will find clue #2
It will lead you into a store that is totally cool and new.
I wont say no more, you have to find it using your smarts.
Get ready at 3:30 PM cause that's when the HUNT will START!!
To begin the scavenger hunt you have to find location #1.
It's with in a yummy place I call my second home,
when you can order anything from pizza to calzone's.
Across from the movie theater is where you will find clue #2
It will lead you into a store that is totally cool and new.
I wont say no more, you have to find it using your smarts.
Get ready at 3:30 PM cause that's when the HUNT will START!!
April 20, 2011
Through the past couple of years, I have been approached several times in regards to a photography or modeling class of some sort. A new recent request to do the same had me thinking. And aside from being totally greatfull for people out there that enjoy my work enough to suggest it, I have decided to dive right in. Thats right. This Summer for the very first time, Robyn Baty Photography will be offering 2 camps for kids/teens.
The first will be a photography camp. There will be a Junior level - ages 8 - 13, and a Senior Level - ages 14- 18. Everyone will need to bring their own camera. And it can be any type, from kodak pocket cams to semi/pro Nikon. The camp will be a duration of 3 weeks, meeting 2 days a week for 2 hour sessions. We will discuss different types of photography, the art of light, studio photography, working with clients, posing, etc. One day a week will be located in studio, the second day will be on location. All information given will be age appropriate and "campers" will end with a basic understanding of camera function and the art of photography.
The second camp is a beginer Modeling camp. Same with the photography camp, there will be a Junior level - ages 8 - 13 and a Senior Level - ages 14 -18. The camp will focus on inner beauty and self confidence. We will learn about designers, fashion, the fashion industry, posing, etc. Make up artist and Stylist Melissa Stillman will help to head up this group and show the girls basic hair styles for both levels and simple make up application techniques for the Senior Level. All infomation given will be age appropriate and "campers" will end with a basic understanding of modeling, the fashion industry and the art of posing.
This is a fully insured camp, under the business of Robyn Baty Photography. For both camps, one day a week will be spent in studio the second will be on location within Hornell. There will be guest appearences to both, by Professional Models and Photographers for additional tips and activities. Robyn Baty Photography will not at any time suggest diets or that any shape, size, gender, color is better then another. We believe whole heartedly that everyone is beautiful in their own way and will have a no tolerance policy for such behaviour. Understand, this is a basic course in modeling and or photography centered around the art of the fashion industry.
The camp will be from July 12 - July 28. Each camp will meet 2 days a week for 3 weeks for 2 hour sessions. Campers will need to provide a bagged lunch for each day as well as their own transportation. Cost is $75 per camp or $100 for both. I will be the main instructor for both camps, assisted by Professional Make Up Artist and Stylist Melissa Stillman.
Times are as follows:
Junior Models will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 10am - 12pm
Senior Models will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 12pm - 2pm
Junior Photographers will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 2pm - 4pm
Senior Photographers will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 4pm - 6pm
Sign up will be May 6th from 4-6 and May 7th from 12 - 4pm in the studio.
Robyn Baty Photography - 401 Canisteo Street, Hornell
Parents will be required to sign a release form as well as camper information form. Payment is expected at time of registration. No refunds will be given and space is limited per camp.
Each camper will receive a Tshirt and a Certificate of completion by Robyn Baty Photography
The first will be a photography camp. There will be a Junior level - ages 8 - 13, and a Senior Level - ages 14- 18. Everyone will need to bring their own camera. And it can be any type, from kodak pocket cams to semi/pro Nikon. The camp will be a duration of 3 weeks, meeting 2 days a week for 2 hour sessions. We will discuss different types of photography, the art of light, studio photography, working with clients, posing, etc. One day a week will be located in studio, the second day will be on location. All information given will be age appropriate and "campers" will end with a basic understanding of camera function and the art of photography.
The second camp is a beginer Modeling camp. Same with the photography camp, there will be a Junior level - ages 8 - 13 and a Senior Level - ages 14 -18. The camp will focus on inner beauty and self confidence. We will learn about designers, fashion, the fashion industry, posing, etc. Make up artist and Stylist Melissa Stillman will help to head up this group and show the girls basic hair styles for both levels and simple make up application techniques for the Senior Level. All infomation given will be age appropriate and "campers" will end with a basic understanding of modeling, the fashion industry and the art of posing.
This is a fully insured camp, under the business of Robyn Baty Photography. For both camps, one day a week will be spent in studio the second will be on location within Hornell. There will be guest appearences to both, by Professional Models and Photographers for additional tips and activities. Robyn Baty Photography will not at any time suggest diets or that any shape, size, gender, color is better then another. We believe whole heartedly that everyone is beautiful in their own way and will have a no tolerance policy for such behaviour. Understand, this is a basic course in modeling and or photography centered around the art of the fashion industry.
The camp will be from July 12 - July 28. Each camp will meet 2 days a week for 3 weeks for 2 hour sessions. Campers will need to provide a bagged lunch for each day as well as their own transportation. Cost is $75 per camp or $100 for both. I will be the main instructor for both camps, assisted by Professional Make Up Artist and Stylist Melissa Stillman.
Times are as follows:
Junior Models will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 10am - 12pm
Senior Models will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 12pm - 2pm
Junior Photographers will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 2pm - 4pm
Senior Photographers will meet Tues and Thurs each week from 4pm - 6pm
Sign up will be May 6th from 4-6 and May 7th from 12 - 4pm in the studio.
Robyn Baty Photography - 401 Canisteo Street, Hornell
Parents will be required to sign a release form as well as camper information form. Payment is expected at time of registration. No refunds will be given and space is limited per camp.
Each camper will receive a Tshirt and a Certificate of completion by Robyn Baty Photography
April 14, 2011
Don't Take the Fall
Why. Let me explain. First and foremost. This is a FUN contest. The grand prize is pretty stellar, but... well it should be. The contest voting is not based on who is pretty or who is a size zero pant. It would be obserd for me to have a contest looking for perfection, when I am not perfect. Personally, for me inner beauty shines above and beyond any form of exterior beauty. As a photographer it is my job to find inner beauty with all my clients and bring it out in their portraits. I am a firm believer in that one single positive comment can out weigh 1000 bad or negative ones. If you look at the comments of the contestants, they are amazing! We live in a harsh world where tearing each other down seems to becoming the norm. And praise is becoming neglected. Praise is AMAZING! Yes, there is one Grand Prize for the final winner. But I am making all efforts to have multiple winners on all prize levels. From being able to control my status for 1 day, to gift certificates... and more to come. The idea behind this, is to have fun. Be creative. And promote self confidence within ourself and those we love. I appologize, that not everyone will come out a winner... with something of material value in their hands. But to me all the comments, praise and having the compassion and confidence to enter the contest,.. alone is an amazing reward. Please keep the contest fun and friendly don't take the fall and tear someone down in the process. As it defeats my entire effort.
Jumpin Beans
The modeling contest is up and running with over 100 Contestants and more rolling in. We have brought in over 300 people to come and vote in the contest and support these young individuals. Either with a vote or positive comment. Our first mini prize was to gain my personal vote, by creating a shout out. Contestants may still do this. Any creative way of Shouting out to Robyn Baty Photography is accepted, as long as you post it in a pic on RBP's wall or email. The Second Prize was the announcement of a NEW prize added to the final winner. A custom necklace by NYC jewelry designer D.LaPaix. We then announced there would be a scavenger hunt for a $50 Gift Certificate to Applebees and the ability to view a LIVE MODEL SHOOT by Robyn Baty Photography. Keeping it fun, I asked the contestants to write a poem about Robyn Baty Photography. With many participating, the winner received their image on the cover of the Modeling Contest Album and the ability to dictate what our FB status would read for 1 day! A perfect mini prize.
Our NEXT mini prize is actually rather exciting! Each year, I have a HUGE runway show for a cause. Featuring models that I hand select to represent Robyn Baty Photography. Last year we had over 250 in attendance. Live performances by local hip hop teams, music performances and featuring local businesses. Last year's runway was to benefit ALS in memory of Keith Baty and Pam Budzynski. This mini prize involves my runway show! SO YOU MUST able to WIN this prize to participate. I Love photography. And all types of photography. But a tough part of my job is capturing a fantastic action shot. - So here is what you have to do: You must go OUTSIDE and get moving! Have a friend, parent or anyone help you take the best action shot of yourself. You can be jumping, running, anything. It has to be amazing! Post ur pic to my Robyn Baty Photography Wall with your name by end of day Friday the 15th. I will pick the best 3!! Those who win... will be one of my FEATURED ROBYN BATY PHOTOGRAPHY MODELS at my Runway Show this year! Good luck and get moving!!
Our NEXT mini prize is actually rather exciting! Each year, I have a HUGE runway show for a cause. Featuring models that I hand select to represent Robyn Baty Photography. Last year we had over 250 in attendance. Live performances by local hip hop teams, music performances and featuring local businesses. Last year's runway was to benefit ALS in memory of Keith Baty and Pam Budzynski. This mini prize involves my runway show! SO YOU MUST able to WIN this prize to participate. I Love photography. And all types of photography. But a tough part of my job is capturing a fantastic action shot. - So here is what you have to do: You must go OUTSIDE and get moving! Have a friend, parent or anyone help you take the best action shot of yourself. You can be jumping, running, anything. It has to be amazing! Post ur pic to my Robyn Baty Photography Wall with your name by end of day Friday the 15th. I will pick the best 3!! Those who win... will be one of my FEATURED ROBYN BATY PHOTOGRAPHY MODELS at my Runway Show this year! Good luck and get moving!!
April 13, 2011
Be on the Move if you want to Win This Prize!
Keep your calendars open Players of Robyn Baty Photography Modeling Contest!! April 23rd, I will be releasing a Scavenger HUNT! To be played out in DOWNTOWN HORNELL! - The HUNT will lead you from place to place to collect ITEMS. And will lead you to ME! - The Final Stop of the HUNT will be to watch a LIVE MODEL SHOOT and see me in action!!! You will also, once arriving at MY LOCATION, will be eligable to enter to WIN a $50 Gift Certificate to Applebees!!!! ONLY THOSE WHO ARRIVE AT MY LOCATION AND SIGN IN CAN WIN THE GIFT CERTIFICATE - In addition, you will gain 1 MORE VOTE by me (YES, EVEN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE MY VOTE - I have my ways :) --- Good luck and Scavenger Hunt info will be released SOON!
April 11, 2011
As promised, it is moments away from midnight and I am now releasing HUGE PRIZE no. 2 info...... For my Model Contestant Winner, which will be announced May 1st, Not only will they win a FULL Model shoot with me, with styling from my Award winning MUA: Melissa Stillman. They also receive 100 Model Comp Cards. Will be the FEATURE model on my Blog, Website and FB Biz page... if these prizes weren't enough, I am releasing Secret Prizes as we go along. Prize No. 1 - was to gain My personal Vote. And contestants may still acheive this by sending an image to me as a shout out on FB. Has to be creative and so far they have been amazing. I recently took a trip to NYC. To help shoot a Runway Show for two amazing designers. One was Annie S. Intimates - showcasing their resort collection. The other was Jewels by D.LaPaix - Items from this collection were recently featured in a model shoot with Kristen Cammeyer. Prize No. 2 - Jewels by D.LaPaix is making a custom necklace for the winner of this model competition.!!! Her jewelry is beyond creative, it's stunning. Check out her FB Page and get a preview of her work.
Modeling Contest
So, if you haven't already heard... I am holding my very first modeling contest! It's pretty exciting to see the wonderful response it has received. The winner of this contest will receive a FULL model shoot by me, accompanied by a full styling by my Professional Stylist Melissa Stillman. Added to that, they will receive 100 model comp cards and be the featured Model of Robyn Baty Photography - my website, Blog and FB page for 1 month! But, that is not all... there will be a few surprize incentives along the way! The first released is to have ME vote for their picture. In order to receive my vote, contestants must be creative in posting a picture shout out to Robyn Baty Photography and linking my FB Biz page to their shout out.... MORE prizes to be announced. To view the progress of this contest or to enter, VISIT my Facebook Biz Page - Robyn Baty Photography
April 08, 2011
Be Ready, Game is on!
So you want to be a model but don't know where to start. For starters, I would suggest arming yourself with an image. Get ready to sell yourself. Comp Cards and a portfolio are a great way to show off you and your modeling talent. If you are not signed with an agency and want to attack the modeling world on your own, remember determination is key. Think about your location and what your modeling talents can do for local businesses. Are there businesses in your area that have commercials on TV? Make an appointment with them and offer to be a spokes person or a stand in for their ad. Are local bars or restraunts hosting events that need promotional models? There is no harm in contacting local business and dropping off your comp card and making that personal connection. Search for casting calls. There are many websites geared tward actors/model castings. Keep your eye on cragislist.com, modelmayhem.com and a new one I just came across is exploretalent.com. Remember, the modeling industry is very competitive and for every casting you interview for, there are 100 more models right behind you gunning for that same position. Getting signed with an agency should be your overall goal, until that happens, get out there... and attack the possibilities!
April 05, 2011
Portfolio Boosting

Want to add amazing images to your portfolio? First thing you need to do is get together a creative team. My personal "Creative Team" includes 1 or 2 models, an MUA - Make Up Artist/Stylist and an assistant. You can search for potential team members through google search for local photographers, models, stylist... etc. Also, Model Mayhem is a great source to find some hidden talent, be cautious though as anyone can have a profile on Model Mayhem. Once you have your team in place, begin talking about desired styling, what look you are going for. Wardrobe, accessories, location. A great shoot is not something you can throw together at the last minute and expect to be amazing in the end. All of my model shoots have, at the least 2 weeks of prep time with my team. Using tear sheets, web images and even sketches I do in order for my team as a whole to understand my idea and the direction I want the shoot to go in. Ask for creative feedback. Each person in your "team" has their own creative talent and with it, creative mind. Utilize that.
So get out there, find your creative team and get shooting!
April 02, 2011
Wedding with Kids
So Im off to a beautiful wedding today to help capture a bride and groom on this special occasion. And I get to thinking about all the weddings I have been to and the children that have been involved. Only a few have kept that in mind when it comes to the planning of the reception. Everyone knows that kids get tired, have unexpected meltdowns, run around and like to cut loose like the adults. Some tips to help contain our lil sunshine makers would be: 1: Have your reception location provide a kid friendly table. Place 2 colored pails in the middle, one with coloring books the other with crayons. Spread a few inexpensive prizes all over the table and let them have kid time. 2: Hire 2 baby sitters to attend your reception. Though you may not have kids, it is a great way to keep other guests children occupied. Arm them with activities, treats and bubbles. Contact friends with children ahead of time and let them know, their children are welcome to come and what you have planned. 3: If you do not want the extra expense of sitters or activities due to a strict budget. Contact your DJ. Let them know it is a child friendly reception and to suggest a kids mini jam. This is a great time for the lil ones to get all the wiggles out. The DJ can call all children to the dance floor, do such dances like the Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance and any other great children songs. This allows them to dance, feel like a part of your day and shows the parents that their children are as special to you as they are. 4: when all else fails, though it may be a dreaded conversation with the parents in fear of offending them. Allow children for the pre-reception hours. Those that involve the dinner, blessing and cake. Enjoy Wedding season and remember, plan your reception for all guests big and small to help for a nice smooth event.
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